Artemis Shielding Announces Departure of Lockwood as CEO
FORT PAYNE, AL – Artemis Shielding announced it has begun the new year with a change in its executive leadership with Buddy Lockwood stepping down from the role of Chief Executive Officer. The decision was made to align the operations of the organization better with its long-term strategy.
The organization is actively working to appoint a new CEO who will continue the company’s momentum, uphold its values, and lead it into its next phase. Artemis Shielding remains steadfast in its commitment to excellence in service to its customers and stakeholders. In the interim, Chris Linder, Chief Operating Officer, will provide leadership and oversight.
Artemis Shielding began developing effective, non-hazardous radiation shielding products in 2016 to provide alternative solutions for the replacement of toxic lead shielding across multiple industries. Its engineers and subject matter experts quickly realized this revolutionary shielding concept could also be adapted to replace steel, lead, and concrete as the historic attenuators of choice. The Artemis team continues to pursue new and innovative processes and technology to better serve the shielding industry while continuing to protect people and the world from radiation and lead.
About Artemis Shielding
Artemis Shielding is a veteran-founded and operated radiation shielding company headquartered in Fort Payne, Alabama. As a global provider of lead-free, non-toxic radiation shielding material, its business leaders are committed to developing customized, precision-fit solutions. All Artemis Shielding solutions are lead-free, non-toxic, and provide superior shielding protection. For more information about Artemis Shielding, visit our website.