What Are These Retired Special Forces Soldiers’ Next Target? LEAD.
FT. PAYNE, Ala., March 8, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — A company run by retired U.S. Army Special Forces Operators has developed the most affordable lead-free radiation shielding product line available in the market today. Artemis Shielding, a radiation shielding manufacturer headquartered in Ft. Payne, Alabama is quickly revolutionizing the shielding industry by offering non-toxic, lead-free products that are manufactured in the U.S. to IEC and ASTM international standards.
“Medical professionals across the world leave their careers prematurely due to pain and disability brought on from years of wearing heavy lead vests,” said retired U.S. Special Forces medic and now Artemis Shielding’s Chief Operating Officer Joe Priest. “The world needs more doctors and nurses, not fewer. We can greatly prolong and enhance their work life by providing them a low-cost apron that is significantly lighter than lead and shields just as well.”
A 2016 American College of Radiology study concluded that lead-containing shields and aprons in the medical environment are potentially a more widespread source of hazardous lead exposure than previously thought. The study found that 63% of the aprons tested had detectable surface lead. (Burns 2017- http://www.jacr.org/article/S1546-1440(16)31107-3/abstract)
“There is just no place for lead in a hospital, but unfortunately there was no economical alternative, until now,” said Priest. “Our mission is to eliminate lead and reduce radiation exposure in the hospital environment.”
The Artemis Shielding NanoTek™ x-ray apron is in the final stages of testing among several major medical facilities across the U.S. A size large apron for the 80 KvP environment weighs approximately 5.9 pounds compared to 11 pounds for a comparable lead apron. “We expect our aprons to be competitively priced with its traditional lead counterpart and much less than the other lead-free options,” Priest concluded. The company plans to have the aprons commercially available by April 1, 2018.
In addition to aprons, Artemis Shielding’s proprietary blend of thermoplastic polymer alloys and high atomic number elements manufactured using a proven and economical process allows the company to provide a suite of highly effective lead-free products such as x-ray curtains and mobile barriers.
The company has also developed custom solutions for a range of end use applications for industrial, testing, medical, dental, neutron and experimental facilities.
Artemis Shielding’s CEO, also a retired U.S. Special Forces operator, has put together a team of military veterans, physicists, engineers, and industry leaders to target lead for elimination. Among them is Artemis Shielding Sales Manager Ben Hofmeister who, like his colleague Priest, was a Special Forces medic. “Our products work as good or better than lead. They can be about fifty percent lighter and thinner depending on the application, and we are zeroing in on being as affordable. When you account for the installation and disposal costs of lead, it is no contest.”
To learn more about Artemis Shielding and their complete range of non-toxic, high-efficiency shielding products and custom shielding solutions, visit www.ArtemisShielding.com.
Contact: Randall Ham (256) 979-1137 Rham@artemisshielding.com
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